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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Peace Is Absence of Disturbance

 ~ Sri Ramana Maharshi Dialogues

Q: Why did the Self manifest as this miserable world?

A: In order that you might seek it. Your eyes cannot see 
themselves. Place a mirror before them and they see themselves.
Similarly with creation.

'See yourself first and then see the whole world as the Self.'

Q: So it amounts to this - that I should always look within.

A: Yes.

Q: Should I not see the world at all?

A: You are not instructed to shut your eyes to the world. 
You are only to 'see yourself first and then see the whole 
world as the Self'. If you consider yourself as the body the 
world appears to be external. If you are the Self the world 
appears as Brahman.

Q: What is the best way to work for world peace?

A: What is the world? What is peace, and who is the worker?
The world is not in your sleep and forms a projection of your
mind in your jagrat [waking state]. It is therefore an idea and
nothing else.

Peace is absence of disturbance. The disturbance is
due to the arising of thoughts in the individual, which is only 
the ego rising up from pure consciousness.

To bring about peace means to be free from thoughts and to
abide as pure consciousness.

If one remains at peace oneself, there is only peace everywhere.

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