Tuesday, November 6, 2012
By Pamela J. Wells
Oneness sounds nice when it is spoken or written, but if you
let your “Personal” beliefs get in the way of connecting to others, then you
are still playing on the monkey bars of the mind, better known as the ego,
which becomes firmly attached to and stuck on spiritual concepts and
terminology. If you spend your time being a right fighter then your living in
ego land. Oneness (or non-duality) does not come from the mind and all of its
concepts and beliefs.
Oneness Just Is. Anything beyond that and you have to take a
step back and ask your Self, “Is what I am thinking or saying based on reality
or delusion?” The mind spins out delusion as easy as breathing air, which
results in the illusion of separation, which creates and perpetuates unnecessary
It is impossible to embrace oneness—to embrace all, when our
mind and our thoughts are already fragmented, dissected—where we have been actively
compartmentalizing people into who we like/dislike, agree with/disagree with, who
we have the same beliefs as or different beliefs from. “We Are One” suddenly
disintegrates when your belief doesn’t coincide with mine.
The first step in coming close to embracing and living oneness
is to embrace the fact that there are many beliefs and cultures in the relative
world and that is ok. Fighting over beliefs is ludicrous and futile. The more
you fight, the stronger the belief becomes. The more you embrace,
unconditionally, the more peace is allowed to be at its natural state.
Being Selfless
IS About
Being Kind, Compassionate, Giving, Sharing, Loving,
Caring, Accepting, Peaceful, Embracing All
NOT About
My Concept Versus Yours, My Belief vs. Yours, Who’s Right/Who’s
Wrong, Creating Separation
That’s Ego Land
If you want recognition, want to impress others and prove
your rightness or righteousness and others wrongness or perceived misperceptions,
what have you really accomplished? You have successfully created a wedge
between you and the rest of humanity. Your oneness is personal. It is merely a
concept within your bubble of oneness or beliefs, within your egoic mind that
cannot even see reality. If we get too high on our spiritual pedestals, we
actively create separation. We are like a kite that has gotten away from us.
Our notions cause us to lose sight of reality, the oneness of life. And,
instead of embracing each other in the relative world—we reject, deny, oppose—according
to our own conditioned thoughts and beliefs.
If you want to make a difference in the world, if you want
to see more peace in the world and see more caring, love, and kindness—be kind,
be caring, be loving, be compassionate, be peaceful, give, help, be
unconditionally supportive, be selfless in your interactions.
Leave your concepts and beliefs at the door. If they don’t
jive with someone else’s—that is ok. Accept it! Otherwise you will suffer and
you will create conflict with other people, who will also suffer, which defeats
selflessness and oneness to begin with.
Remain in awareness, where there is nothing to defend or
project. If you want peace, remain in awareness and choose silence over the
need to project and defend opinions, beliefs and judgments, unless you enjoy
suffering, then continue to fight the right fight. You either live a selfless
life in peace and joy or you create conflict and discord—suffering.
Image: A Galactic Spectacle - hubblesite.org
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