By Pamela J. Wells
I could care less about gossip.
I could care less about
what my neighbor is doing.
I could care less
what your beliefs are,
your religion,
whether you have
different beliefs than mine.
I could care less if
you graduated with honors.
I could care less
what kind of car you drive or
how big your house is.
I could care less
about superficialities.
I could care less about
what celebrities are doing,
who is seeing who,
who is addicted to drugs,
or what they are wearing.
I could care less about
democrats, republicans, and
there endless fighting
that is really about their
own interests, greed, and wealth.
I could care less that
someone is
different than me,
looks different,
acts different.
I could care less if
someone weighs
more than I do or weighs
less than I do.
I could care less if
someone is a
different race than me.
I could care less about
others sexual orientation.
What I do care about………
What I do care about is
not one human being
going hungry or
even worse
starving to death.
What I do care about is
that every human being
has clean water to drink.
What I do care about is
that every single person
has a roof over their heads.
What I do care about is
that every human being
has clothes to wear and
shoes on their feet.
What I do care about is
the safety of
every individual,
especially children.
What I do care about is
that every child feels loved.
What I do care about is
that every child
is safe
from being bullied
by other kids
and adults.
What I do care about is
every foster child;
homeless child, teenager,
and adult.
What I do care about is
the elderly and
that they feel loved.
What I do care about is
health care and that
single human being
single human being
can get medical care
even when
they can’t afford it.
they can’t afford it.
What I do care about is
human beings,
all life forms,
plants, trees, the planet,
and the environment.
These are the things that I care about most of all.
The more people care less about all things superficial,
the more they open their heart to caring about what is important.
The more people care less about all things superficial,
the more they open their heart to caring about what is important.
~ by Pamela J. Wells ~
Published 6-29-11
Copyright © 2011 Pamela J. Wells. All Rights Reserved

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License.
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